Trading System

  • Import package.
  • If you get an error for m_IconTexture then add this snippet to ShopProductData.cs. You don’t need to do this step if you already did this step for Challenges/Battle Pass Addon.
public Texture2D m_IconTexture = null;
  • Add this snippet to bl_UserMetaData.cs in RawData class.
public List<TradeRequestInfo> TradeRequests = new List<TradeRequestInfo>();
  • In case you get an error about Newtonsoft, go to package manager Window > Package Manager. Click the + icon on top left. Select Add package by name and type this and press add:
  • Run integration by going MFPS > Addons > Trading System > Integrate and follow the steps.
  • Upload Trading.php to your ULogin php files directory.

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